2007年8月26日 星期日


No man in the world would choose a "less than normal" as his partner, given that there are possible choices around with longer legs, bigger boobs, firmer bottoms, bigger eyes and sexier figure, etc. The fact now in front is I'm doing something abnormal as a man. I trust her totally every time when she told me she's going to get fit and work hard. Of course, northing has changed since the first day and I was not supposed to complain or even mention.
Looking at the others on the street, girls are all changing nowadays. They have been working so hard to keep themselves looking good in front of opposite sex. Am I jealous? Definitely I am. And is there any man in the world don't if they were me?
I believe there's always a good future if I work hard and so my girl. Patience and potential is here waiting for a suitable timing. One day I won't be looking at the other chics but those who are jealous on the one next to me.

