2013年1月6日 星期日

Bad is bad ... no matter what

Why the hell everyone of you said “唔好意思幫唔到我”, I would have felt much better if no one has an intention to “help” me. At least I can leave it to fade or luck or whatever I can’t control. And now everyone of you tells me I was simply not the one or being picked or being accepted. I know the fucking hell now!!!

I met mustache this morning and he said that to me.

“I just don’t like what you said, okay??!?” “It’s disgusting to listen to you” “I know I wasn’t good in control my weight, so what!!!” She’s right. I can’t really answer.

I asked hh to not to add an extra spring roll for dinner.

“I came back on Sunday for hours to wrap up the monthly report”

My new supervisor told me that she spent her Sunday in the office touching-up on my works on Friday.


Irrespective of my good intention, no one really knows or likes or understands or appreciates what I say or did. Negative is negative, it can never be changed no matter what.

1 則留言:

  1. Without digging into further into this, is there a possibility that your language, verbal or body, in your daily life reflect your internal dislike towards Hongkonger and the Chinese race?

    This thought comes from your extremely negative comment about the Chinese race in our post regarding Whatsapp's plan to charge annual fee.

    When one dislikes other people, is it difficult for other people to like one.
