2010年6月20日 星期日

唔係~f anny

自己本身對自己說話時會特別留意, 可能跟獅子座的自信及善於說話性格有關. 記得在英國的時候曾自我evaluate一番, 改善說話時常以"我"為首, 希望給聽者一個客觀的感受, 增強說服力. 一直都感謝自小都有這種自我反省的能力.因為心想自己改善, 我亦十分著意別人的話, 尤其是那些口頭禪問題嚴重的人(e.g."我","但係","唔係"), f anny正是典型, 差點句句都"唔係", 別人樣樣皆錯. 就當你比別人懂得多, 你的品行實在跟不上, 永遠活在自己的小圈內不聽別人, 就算朋友多又如何, 只為你覺得可憐...
I'm not complaining to what I've been seeing at bds, it's just a model that I have had observed during these days.
From a subjective point of view, f anny is a smart, whole-hearted, efficient, polite and socialised io with great potential to move forward. From my own observation, despite the completion amongst us, she intended to 霸 all the works in a speedy way which she appeared to be strong enough to be promoted. On the other hand, she is trying to undermine the existence of me which I never tried to make it as a shinning focus. I was then never being asked to attend discussion nor taught about anything related to planning.
I agreed that she is a very strong opponent that both the environmental and background considerations are favourable to her, I'm not giving up and letting her being like that in a long run.
These are my analysis on her:
- 佢已經5,6年人
- 佢起碼act左一次(我眼見)
- 佢響度日子短,但比我長(冇選擇下都要靠佢)
- 佢識人多, 人緣好(超多)
- 佢同leader都係女性(及single)
- 佢在其他人眼中係跟隨潮流的一群(唱k,玩相機,上大陸,玩fb,住港島)

