2008年11月16日 星期日

Great day out

A nice weekend with So and karen / Ben and Elaine. Surprisingly, we didn't go for football or anything related to hall, but biking, dinner, playing kite, sunbathing and MJ. Though it's a bit long and physically demanding, it's the only time that I enjoyed hanging around with them.
We started at around 12 with a light lunch at Tai Po. It followed with a little stupid bike searching stage that we didn't know the way for renting a bike or even the way we wished to go. Slowly, we proceed slowly owing to the plain skill we had until we stationed at the reservoir. The sky was blue and clear and kites were everywhere that I just lied down with my brain cleared. Nothing in my head, just relaxed.
Again, slowly, we headed back at around 6pm with the sunset. However, it's just the start of the day.
A big hot pot dinner in TST and MJ took us the whole night. Unbelievable, we were all tired but it's just great to talk and laugh ... and had fun.
p.s. karen is the gf of So that I first met, she's just that I imagined, nice but hot. (hahhaa) So lucky for So.

2008年11月4日 星期二

Afternoon tea

I hate it, doesn't mean I don't enjoy having tea in a relaxing (or may be a busy one) afternoon.

The thing I hate afternoon tea is "showing my generosity" to the whole team.

I love money, I enjoy paying bills......provided that I know I have to pay and people would be happy cos of it.

However, you will never know the best timing of paying the bill until someone whispering near your ear, "there's a culture that green guy will show his generosity"

okay, so when?

and how?

I will pay anyway.

2008年11月3日 星期一


終於post-out, 問我開心興奮? 很難說...那地方是一個特別的, 人來人往, 同事來同事也往, 無聲無色; 那地方有很多有趣的人和事天天出現, 新鮮的, challenging的.

剛post-in到那裡時, 那陌生的感覺隨著日子變得可愛, post-out了, 我又覺得不捨. 這就是我的命運.

現實再次印證, 人是自私的, 人總是自保, 一個不善交際不教人喜歡的總會給遺忘...

臨離開時, 我看了自己在今個半年的appraisal, 唉, 說沒有expectation當然是騙人騙自己的. 結果就是強差人異. 是我問題嗎? 是制度問題嗎?

沒有人可傾吐是大問題, 自找人家笑自己? 我可做不到. 但他跟我說出了我們的命運:

...我們人太多, 競爭太大, 要跑出不易
...我是smart的, 英文寫得又不錯, 是可造之材
...真的要小心點, 就算有多粗心大意
...在control point只可以盡力保不錯, 出去一有機會就可以衝, 老闆合得來就有機會


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