2008年5月6日 星期二


在毛毛雨下, 我們在快將退休的處長和眾目睽睽前passing out了. 記得在第一次有band隊一同練習時, 聽到音樂的那種震撼, 全身為之一陣, 大家充滿信心, 小弟就因身份特別更加認真. 事與願違, 我們出醜了, 由自信急轉直下到不知所謂, 失望, 殘酷. 事情過去了, 沒有人再問再追究, 但或許留在我們心中的就只有一個一個的遺憾.
當日officially可接受邀請出席的只有兩個名額, 這再使我們產生更大的磨擦, 各人都在出盡法寶去安置家人以外的男女朋友, 就只有我在靜靜看著. 最後她一樣到場, 可憐的是好再次被冷落在一旁, 我實在對她太殘忍了.
出班了, 捨不得學校的溫室環境, 如父母兄弟般的教官同學, 現在一切都是真真實實的, 每一個做的動作都會為社會帶來影響, 要小心翼翼. 但不會忘記的一定會是你們曾經的關心和協助, 感謝.

hiking day, from the begining that i treat it as a fun day, move a bit our body, get some fresh air, but it turns out that it's a great and productive day to put everyone together
the spirit, the dou chee, the way we put things together in a super short time
under that weather and condition, experience is nothing but the support and absence of murmur among the group, really thanks for that
wish you enjoy meal we prepared and the day having fun with us, though it's a little bit messy
looking forward to swimming lesson and the final sprint of the training
can't imagine that it's CNY already and we've been training for 4 months! having the unexpected future out there and the good atmosphere we are having, really don't want to leave so soon.
it's going to be very packed period that things have to be rounded up and finished, wish things go smooth and all the best in the new year.

