2011年9月30日 星期五

Amazon's big show in 2011 - Kindle 4 , Kindle Touch and Kindle Fire

Rumours about Amazon's 7" tablet have never ended since the start of 2011. As a big revenge on Apple's Ipad, Amazon has launched FOUR new gadgets this week namely, Kindle 4, Kindle Touch Wifi, Kindle Touch Wifi + 3G and Kindle Fire.

To make the story short, there are two features to focus on - touch screen and andriod tablet. People have never stop complaining on the absence of touch screen on Kindle previous generations and now Kindle Touch is here. Neat design with super light weight, it can be concluded as the best ebook reader at the moment. (plus the very reasonable price)

The other big thing is, again low-priced, Amazon's first tablet. Running with a dual core 1G Hz chip and a highly-controlled andriod environment, this is what people have always been looking for - a less than US$200 andriod tablet. Having considered the price, who cares about the absence of camera, SD expansion slot and USB connectivity.

2011年9月29日 星期四

Hopeless Typhoon Signal #8

I'm here at office, silently and hopelessly on a day covered "FULLY" by Typhoon Signal #8.

I won't blame my luckiness to be posted at frontline operational position where I have to be here even there is a massive explosion but simply my personal feelings lately. Indeed, it's not a bad thing to work during bad weather, no phone calls, no emails, plenty of spare, possible tea snack from management....

The only thing bothering me is my poor skin condition.

Never intended to share to others but ridiculously I intended to hide from people because of it. It's been around 2 1/2 years that I was tortured by these redness / pimples / inflammation. It started with continuous pimples on cheek area and then prolonged redness. And now, both at the same time. Forgot how much money and time I've spent on treating this, facial (yea, facial for men), laser, chinese medicine, you name it. What can be concluded is I'm suffering from Rosacea which uncontrollably dilates blood vessels on cheek area upon inflammation. Unfortunately, the long term cure would be "avoid items initiate the redness" such as hot food, sunshine, sauna, steam...

And it's now XXXXXXXX red, itchy and oily for my face. sighhhhhhhh

Hopeless. I feel extremely hopeless after years of sufferings and torture. I feel like fallen into a trap where I can never get out until the end of my life. When juvenile think they would be getting out of ance after puberty, mine just started at my adulthood.

I drink lots of water, do lots of exercise, stay away from sunshine and alcohol, so what? Still, I'm hopeless.

Never understood why someones suicide because of ance but now I know.

p.s. a very deep feeling when I entered a senior's room today, her face changed sharply from a smiling friendly one to a norsious fedup one. I understood clearly at that moment and it's just hopeless.

I've disappointed myself and people around.

2011年9月22日 星期四

那些年 - 胡夏




回到教室座位前後 故意討妳溫柔的罵
黑板上排列組合 妳捨得解開嗎

好想擁抱妳 擁抱錯過的勇氣

好想告訴妳 告訴妳我沒有忘記

老師 , 家長, 港孩

2011年09月21日 蘋果日報
該不願暴露身份的小一家長表示,開學不久兒子便反映老師動不動拍枱拍凳罵人,「晏晝午飯攞錯飯盒又鬧、用錯紅筆填飯單又鬧」,令坐前排的學生經常被「嚇到彈起」,將老師改名做「哥斯拉」。該家長認為,不容許學生在小息說話及上堂上廁所做法不合理,「有好多小朋友上堂忍唔到瀨屎瀨尿,由上畫 8點上堂到下晝 3點放學,一日七個鐘頭咁耐,小朋友得幾歲大,咁樣對佢哋,好唔人道」。該家長指同班有七、八名家長均不滿校方做法,曾向班主任反映,「佢解釋拍枱只係想小朋友專心啲」,情況一直無改善。據她所知,全級共三班小一均有類似情況。由於怕被秋後算賬,不少家長敢怒不敢言。 漢堡包「質」到學生甩牙至於逼食漢堡包一事,報料人向本報透露,有六年級學生上堂時唱歌,班主任於本周一午飯時間審問學生,其間以一個漢堡包「質入佢個口」,致其門牙脫掉流血,惟涉事老師只叫學生清理染血校服了事。報料人又指:「學校逼啲學生食晒個飯盒,有一年級學生食到要去廁所嘔。」他指家長擔心子女被針對均不敢投訴。記者昨日於放學時間到該校,不少家長表示該校校規一向嚴格,但也可接受,學生則未有聽聞同學被逼食漢堡包致甩牙。親子王國討論區上年曾有小一家長留言,指兒子反映「有惡老師」及「食飯靜到聽到回音」及「小息唔夠時間」。 校方承認 3學生上堂瀨尿聖若瑟英文小學副校長吳錦庭回應表示,該名六年級學生當時正在抄寫,老師將漢堡包給他吃,及後學生反映有牙掉落,他指學校一向鼓勵學生吃光飯盒及珍惜食物。吳副校又指,每 90分鐘課堂後會有 15分鐘小息,每天 3次。開學首月校方對小一新生採取特別措施,只容許在課室內自由活動或上廁所,待新生了解校內規則後才容許他們到地下操場自由活動。惟他否認小息期間不許學生說話,「學校每朝一早有個 20分鐘嘅早讀會,學生喺操場睇書,唔可以講嘢,可能引起家長誤會」,他又指沒有校規不准學生上堂時上廁所,開學至今有 3名學生上堂時瀨尿。


兩幫不知所謂的動物對簿, 結果是小朋友受害.
- 可能現時的家長在自己年少時給老師壓制太多, 到現在情況亦轉即時作出反攻, 有理無理都好, 自己仔女對錯都好, 投訴先算.
- 守學校規矩就錯, 自己放縱小朋友就好, 從來不理會每件事每個安排背後的原因, 總之小朋友苦了面就要投訴.
- 「有惡老師」及「食飯靜到聽到回音」及「小息唔夠時間」, 無惡老師惡家長可有你今時今日有車有樓有時間去投訴? 自己不在場又會得知靜到聽到回音? 中國人都有教食不言啦. 怪不得時有高級餐廳內有馬騮四圍走四圍叫. 我仍記得小學年代一日只有一次小息, 一樣去得廁所黎買唔到野食, 大家都珍而重之, 到現在父母都不願上班工作, 在家淘寶炒股票, 只會為小朋友爭取更多更多著數, 最好都是全天小息, 加插一節課堂但又可以保證大學畢業不用上班但月入5萬.

- 能力不足, 個人修為差勁, 面對壓力處理極弱. 你們有何能耐教人? 你所謂"方法"是否有效?
- 我唔排除個老師的確有”質個包落個細路個口”, 因為老師的確唔可以出手打人, 唯有用其他疑似的途徑.
- 大聲咆哮. 連少少個人情緒都做不好, 小朋友只會覺得老師是傻的是哥斯拉.

結論: 社會 / 老師 / 家長都不能協助小朋友好好成長, 雪球一路滾, 小朋友又會成為社會一部份, 成為老師, 成為家長, 再製造另一批小朋友, 沒完沒了.

2011年9月21日 星期三


蘋果日報 2011年09月21日


該不願暴露身份的小一家長表示,開學不久兒子便反映老師動不動拍枱拍凳罵人,「晏晝午飯攞錯飯盒又鬧、用錯紅筆填飯單又鬧」,令坐前排的學生經常被「嚇到彈起」,將老師改名做「哥斯拉」。該家長認為,不容許學生在小息說話及上堂上廁所做法不合理,「有好多小朋友上堂忍唔到瀨屎瀨尿,由上畫 8點上堂到下晝 3點放學,一日七個鐘頭咁耐,小朋友得幾歲大,咁樣對佢哋,好唔人道」。該家長指同班有七、八名家長均不滿校方做法,曾向班主任反映,「佢解釋拍枱只係想小朋友專心啲」,情況一直無改善。據她所知,全級共三班小一均有類似情況。由於怕被秋後算賬,不少家長敢怒不敢言。
校方承認 3學生上堂瀨尿
聖若瑟英文小學副校長吳錦庭回應表示,該名六年級學生當時正在抄寫,老師將漢堡包給他吃,及後學生反映有牙掉落,他指學校一向鼓勵學生吃光飯盒及珍惜食物。吳副校又指,每 90分鐘課堂後會有 15分鐘小息,每天 3次。開學首月校方對小一新生採取特別措施,只容許在課室內自由活動或上廁所,待新生了解校內規則後才容許他們到地下操場自由活動。惟他否認小息期間不許學生說話,「學校每朝一早有個 20分鐘嘅早讀會,學生喺操場睇書,唔可以講嘢,可能引起家長誤會」,他又指沒有校規不准學生上堂時上廁所,開學至今有 3名學生上堂時瀨尿。

1. 老師 - 作為老師, 就算在體罰年代, 都一定有理由地作出處罰. 只從文中帶出的上堂去廁所, 上堂唔專心, 交談是否真的要作出那些行為? 如果說我們從前的年代是填鴨式教育, 我就覺得現時的教育更填鴨, 因為年青人不再珍惜上學的機會, 老師小丑或詹瑞文般大龍鳳就話沒趣沒動機學習, 誰真正填鴨?!
2. 學生 - 不可否認現今的學生思想行為有嚴重問題, 唔番學唔考試唔溫書的每個年代都有, 但現在他們更明目張膽, 將老師和家長玩弄於掌. 從多角度看, 不能排除文中的學生是玩野去廁所行下, 到老師忍無可忍加以管制佢地就以瀨來抗議.
3. 家長 - 已經不下幾萬次社會指出年青人的問題沿於家庭, 家長不但無心無能力教導青年人, 更以金錢名譽投訴令學生變本加厲, 幫老師改名做「哥斯拉」的人原來自己就係同類!悲哀.

2011年9月18日 星期日

Book review I

So far I enjoy using my kindle, it's been 2 months since I started reading on it and I have already finished 3 books: Little Women, Flirtexting and The American Book of the Dead.

As starters, these three books contains all the elements - classics, trendy, english, american, fiction. In general I'm satisfied and really into the mood of reading when the engine starts. Currently, I'm in 李嘉誠全傳.

A quick review on the finished ones:

1. Little Women
A classic English story in beautiful English. I used to read classics like Animal Farm and Charles Dickens and Little Women did not disappoint me. The story is about the three girls from their little childhood to their married lives. Having different backgrounds in the same family, Amy, Meg and Jo had different ways of life. One thing that they shared was Love, any kind of love that keep them bonded (mentally since Meg was died in the halfway through).
An easy story to follow as a classics. And I even put a comment on amazon. Never thought I would have done that~~

2. Flirtexting

Strictly speaking, it cannot be categorised as a book. Rather it can be read as a guide or a collection of blog entries telling people on how to socialise with opposite sex (mainly female to male). Personally I believe the "tactics" are not just applicable on mobile texting but all kinds of text-based communication such as email, msn... And in short, what is emphasised is "think before you text and text it at the right time".
p.s. culturally different, I don't really agree that text after 11pm should be regarded as sex-oriented.

3. The American Book of the Dead

A very addictive story with special layout. On one hand, the author describes his personal life while on the other hand, he writes about an imaginary story about the end of America. Surprisingly, they show a perfect mix that is easy to follow. It basically tells about a belief to kill most of the population to purify the complex world. The author was accidentally known to be a fortune-teller who intends to save the world from being destroyed. The story ends with a thought that every change or evolution takes time and we are simply taking part unconsciously. What we can do to survive is not to kill the different others but to civilise to change the world.
This is the first novel I read in English and it truly is a good start.

2011年9月16日 星期五

Friday nite

i dun like going out, not because i dun enjoy going out but i feel bad when seeing nice people nice thing out there

really dunno the reason why every other thing is always better mine. better clothes better skin better gf better environment.

i simply stay in my cave where is thousands miles from the real world.

2011年9月8日 星期四

Update Aug 2011

1. Footy
This came to my mind suddenly and I'm so satistified with the position lately. It doesn't mean playing on the left of right, forward or midfield, but the "State" that I'm getting involved in football.
Started having at least two running sessions per week to keep the physical attribute has been such a brilliant habit. The most important thing is I feel being involved in the team eventually (after almost 10 years of being isolated ".")

Sweat. Run. Ball. Game.

Update: after years, finally I scored for SJ's team during a league game on 25/9. Every effort pays (all the runs after work).

2. Work
Flatted. Or I'd say dropped.
After the first honeymoon year, seems I'm getting so lazy to dedicate to my work. Even I can feel the passion has gone.
Yeah, I got a chance but then everything has come back to very normal. Like the rabbit-turtle race, I saw rabbits taking me over one after one.
One year to go before my senior retires.

Focused. Passion. Agressiveness. Acting.

Update: heard that further manpower cut down is coming, not sure if I will be next

3. Wedding
Slowly moving forward.
Still not in the state to have the wedding feelings.
She's started the engine to lose weight.

Mentality. Romantic. Creativity. Organisation.