x生x太, x生x太, x生x太,全保都結曬婚
油浩老, 我唔捨得你走, 你可唔可以唔好走, 你走左以後冇人再同我玩喇
我本來同我男朋友食野架, 宜家佢冇得來喇
2009年11月23日 星期一
2009年11月17日 星期二
2009年11月15日 星期日
雖然要溫書, 但都好想記得2009年11月13日的感覺, 今天已約補習, 本來想收工去, 但又記得阿公有function去廿樓飲野, anyways, 早去早走. 同flower上去, 好快影下相, 吹下水, 飲幾杯, 走人. 以為可以趕得切, 點知她一手拉走左我叫我同佢走送佢, 就係咁我推左補習同佢返去, 一落地鐵, 佢已經話想嘔, 我知道一個人唔到真係要嘔係唔會出聲, 所以決定送佢.
一直我都對佢有好感, 但個日我地真係好近好近....
佢話個頭好疼好累, 我只有叫佢i住, 當時唔知佢係真係唔舒服, 定係當我係佢男友, 定係.....
當時我地之間全無距離, 佢就將身體傾向我, 完全信任.
有意無意之間, 在地鐵, 她問我點解唔問佢男友係邊個, 仲有....(跟住就話無野), 我多想同佢講, 我點會唔知點會唔問, 只係....我唔想面對因為自私同埋我鍾意flower.
我地一直在一起, 很難忘記的感覺....到站, 佢嘔又話自己無用, 我就盡量照顧直至到佢屋企...超級豪宅, 很富有的爸爸. 很遙遠的她.
一直我都對佢有好感, 但個日我地真係好近好近....
佢話個頭好疼好累, 我只有叫佢i住, 當時唔知佢係真係唔舒服, 定係當我係佢男友, 定係.....
當時我地之間全無距離, 佢就將身體傾向我, 完全信任.
有意無意之間, 在地鐵, 她問我點解唔問佢男友係邊個, 仲有....(跟住就話無野), 我多想同佢講, 我點會唔知點會唔問, 只係....我唔想面對因為自私同埋我鍾意flower.
我地一直在一起, 很難忘記的感覺....到站, 佢嘔又話自己無用, 我就盡量照顧直至到佢屋企...超級豪宅, 很富有的爸爸. 很遙遠的她.
2009年11月10日 星期二
Quick review
It's time to have a quick review of what had happened recently, though, mostly likely things happened to me were not as good as people may have expected.
- me and flower did have a chance to leave from work when we had some time to talk and communicate. We went for a walk and I accompanied her to check the water-proof bag for her trip to PHL. To me, it's a good chance for us but unfortunately, she told me a fact (which was reinforced by her bf, my course mate) I led her the wrong way that she needed to walk a lot on the street. Most importantly, she did not get the bag she wanted.
One thing she told me which broke my heart and hope, "你咁樣難怪你同你女友會咁樣".
I was so embarrassed when she talked to him over phone about the bad thing of me and their trip.
- I scored, finally, in the intra-department game, with a very disappointing performance. In the last group game, again, I wasted a lot of chances, alot.
- I got V E for my interim appraisal with the support from all of them, except Chi Ming, whom kept picking and exaggerating my fault to the largest extent. Thank you.
- revision.
- me and flower did have a chance to leave from work when we had some time to talk and communicate. We went for a walk and I accompanied her to check the water-proof bag for her trip to PHL. To me, it's a good chance for us but unfortunately, she told me a fact (which was reinforced by her bf, my course mate) I led her the wrong way that she needed to walk a lot on the street. Most importantly, she did not get the bag she wanted.
One thing she told me which broke my heart and hope, "你咁樣難怪你同你女友會咁樣".
I was so embarrassed when she talked to him over phone about the bad thing of me and their trip.
- I scored, finally, in the intra-department game, with a very disappointing performance. In the last group game, again, I wasted a lot of chances, alot.
- I got V E for my interim appraisal with the support from all of them, except Chi Ming, whom kept picking and exaggerating my fault to the largest extent. Thank you.
- revision.
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