2009年11月23日 星期一




x生x太, x生x太, x生x太,全保都結曬婚

油浩老, 我唔捨得你走, 你可唔可以唔好走, 你走左以後冇人再同我玩喇

我本來同我男朋友食野架, 宜家佢冇得來喇

2009年11月17日 星期二



"親愛的, 我記不起你想要米粉還是河粉"(實在窩心)

"佢羅, 噴埋個d死人香水"(原來我d氣味係咁討厭)

2009年11月15日 星期日

雖然要溫書, 但都好想記得2009年11月13日的感覺, 今天已約補習, 本來想收工去, 但又記得阿公有function去廿樓飲野, anyways, 早去早走. 同flower上去, 好快影下相, 吹下水, 飲幾杯, 走人. 以為可以趕得切, 點知她一手拉走左我叫我同佢走送佢, 就係咁我推左補習同佢返去, 一落地鐵, 佢已經話想嘔, 我知道一個人唔到真係要嘔係唔會出聲, 所以決定送佢.

一直我都對佢有好感, 但個日我地真係好近好近....

佢話個頭好疼好累, 我只有叫佢i住, 當時唔知佢係真係唔舒服, 定係當我係佢男友, 定係.....

當時我地之間全無距離, 佢就將身體傾向我, 完全信任.

有意無意之間, 在地鐵, 她問我點解唔問佢男友係邊個, 仲有....(跟住就話無野), 我多想同佢講, 我點會唔知點會唔問, 只係....我唔想面對因為自私同埋我鍾意flower.

我地一直在一起, 很難忘記的感覺....到站, 佢嘔又話自己無用, 我就盡量照顧直至到佢屋企...超級豪宅, 很富有的爸爸. 很遙遠的她.

2009年11月10日 星期二

Quick review

It's time to have a quick review of what had happened recently, though, mostly likely things happened to me were not as good as people may have expected.

- me and flower did have a chance to leave from work when we had some time to talk and communicate. We went for a walk and I accompanied her to check the water-proof bag for her trip to PHL. To me, it's a good chance for us but unfortunately, she told me a fact (which was reinforced by her bf, my course mate) I led her the wrong way that she needed to walk a lot on the street. Most importantly, she did not get the bag she wanted.
One thing she told me which broke my heart and hope, "你咁樣難怪你同你女友會咁樣".
I was so embarrassed when she talked to him over phone about the bad thing of me and their trip.

- I scored, finally, in the intra-department game, with a very disappointing performance. In the last group game, again, I wasted a lot of chances, alot.

- I got V E for my interim appraisal with the support from all of them, except Chi Ming, whom kept picking and exaggerating my fault to the largest extent. Thank you.

- revision.

2009年10月25日 星期日


或者喜歡一個人有時真的要懂得珍惜, 見到flower一天比一天的進步, 一天比一天的charm, 真係有開口表白的想法.

當日, 她離開靈士屋企時上了一個戴白色帽的人的車子, 其後她更有心主動告知原來他是我的同班同學. 到底係因為那人係我的同期還是佢唔想我再多想我同佢之間的可能性呢?

酸溜溜, 今天我們開始編定來年的大假, 當然她會甜蜜地和我的同期夾日子放假. 哪種從心裡出來的酸實在難受.

午飯, 我們一眾出外到2-2樓, 無獨有偶, 她又坐在我旁邊, 我們互相照顧, 開懷大笑, 她更將頭鑽向我的肩膀, 很近, 很接近...但我亦在想, 是否因為我和他是同期, 她才會與我稔熟.

自知兩個人走在一起不可能只考慮樣貌身材學歷工作家庭背景, 但那酸溜溜的感覺總問自己為什麼她不選擇我. 我倆性格愛好接近, 點解?

2009年10月9日 星期五


She changes me.

She doesn't like those I met before whom simply attracted me, she changed me in the way that I would prefer my life to be a wonderful and enjoyable one. The smile she has all the time and the way she treated her family, friends, sports, jobs and "him" inspired myself in a positive way.

For her, I don't really want to be with her but simply getting a closer relationship with her. And for all the stuff that I can make her happy, I would love to do so.

She's flower.

She isn't a beautiful and attractive girl but her smile (or laugh in a more accurate way) was the most beautiful one I have ever seen. A true happy face pops out from her heart that you can't be sad in front of her.

The day before, she told me the one who picked her up by car was one of my coursemate. Yes, the same course as mine. The only one that I can think of was kawai. From the car he drove (from kalei), the status of him, the way he treated flower. (She said everything he said to her was real and she praised that he was frank from his heart).

So sweet that I can't think of doing anything.

Wish you having a happy and sweet time forever with him.

2009年9月25日 星期五


I really don't see any reason to marry LG, everything we did were totally different.

When I told her that I hate a bulky her, she never, she never pushed herself to improve.

When I told her to adjust her life to be positive, hard working, she never did and just wasted time getting online during office hour.

When I told her to save a bit for our future, she decided to go russia and japan.

When I frankly told her that I didn't really enjoy going out with others, she kept calling and blamed that I didn't pick her call.

It shouldn't work when we live together and I can't go out without a reason and report. I'm just a man who doesn't care too much about different things. Why would I do that? Why?

Today I made out with kl......I was wrong. Didn't know why I chose one who smells....

So, what am I looking for? One who is easy, small in size, happy, like saving, clever, not rich, enjoy outdoor environment, not smell.

Is that Flower?

2009年4月29日 星期三

Igniting everyone around me

Even I think I'm losing control of myself and everything around me:

To Mr Or, I forgot to seek your approval before sending out the "important" email;
To Ms Wong, I couldn't ensure the photocopies were in order;
To Mr Yim, I made you checked and walked back and forth for the amendments of letter;
To Mr Cheng, I knew I don't have the potential that you admire.

To all, I was just useless.

In order to climb up, seems I should equip myself the ability and attitute to be picky....both to the others and to myself.

No more happy face all the time.

2009年4月16日 星期四


(明報)4月16日 星期四 05:05
【明報專訊】昨天,對利物浦 球迷來說,是一個特別的日子。20年前的昨天,發生了「希斯堡(Hillsborough)慘劇」,在人群互相踐踏及擠壓的情况下,最終導致96人死亡、766人受傷,當中喪生的全數是利物浦球迷。
1989年4月15日,英格蘭足總盃 上演4強戰,利物浦對諾定咸森林,比賽地點是在Sheffield市,亦即是錫週三球隊的主場希斯堡。肇事當日因為交通擠塞讓球迷受到延誤而遲到,令太多球迷同一時間湧入球場,再加上臨場警方疏導人潮措施失當,導致由鐵網圍着的企位區域過度擠迫,因而發生有球迷被擠壓在鐵絲網而窒息,甚至人踩人,導致如此傷亡枕藉的慘劇。
事後檢討 改寫英國 足球面貌
賽事及慘劇當日在BBC電視直播的情况下,傳至英國每一個角落,再加上龐大的死傷數目,震驚全國。最先人們只是想當然地,敷衍塞責的把問題歸咎於足球流氓醉酒鬧事的行為身上,但為了更嚴正的看待這次事件,並認真從慘劇中汲取教訓,遂委任了泰萊大法官(Lord Justice Taylor),深入調查事件,並用了31天時間撰寫了著名的《泰萊報告》(Taylor Report),結果改寫了英國足球的面貌,奠下了如今英超聯 霸業的基礎。
本地甲組球隊屯門 普高,在賽事完結前7分鐘,竟放軟手腳,連失4球,慘敗給對手愉園 1比5。有球員對場外大聲咆哮,作出控訴,說想要幾多球便出聲,不如一併連他也換離場;亦有球員賽後透過網誌宣泄不滿,說有同胞放軟手腳,是因為「$$$」作怪。球隊旋即籠罩於「放水打假波」的陰霾和指控當中。
上周五,屯門普高在另一場聯賽以2比1擊敗對手,賽後教練任煒雄激動的說:「香港教育應允許小朋友有犯錯機會,不要一棍打死他!」有追看開本專欄的讀者必然知道,筆者一向主張對年輕人寬容,但寬容與息事寧人、得過且過絕對是兩回事,如果連事情仍未搞清楚,便糊裏糊塗過關,就正如《明報》上周五社論的標題所說:「問題球賽疑點重重 蒙混過關足運必死。」

2009年4月6日 星期一


Things are getting to me at the same time, thought Leung 28 was so spared that he "prolonged" the tasks under the list, the fact is they are all coming to my desk at the same time. Pressure of meeting deadlines, pressure of poor health, pressure of report to work without asking for leave, pressure of ruinning the historical statistics.

I was scared.

And today, I was thinking of quitting the sport that I dedicated for my life - football. This is one of the worst (frankly, the worst) game I've ever played. Passing, dribble, shoting, heading, defense and physical fitness. None of them was acceptable, I was so shame that I couldn't even look at the face of the manager.

Am I being a shame for the team and so-called a PE guy and works for the discipline?

I was even scared of joining my colleagues for a running training for 20K, I did.

I'm coming back. I do. I do.

2009年2月25日 星期三

You are wrong, Polly.

Polly, you left us on 19/2 silently. You left your family, you left your friends, you left the house.

You left yourself.

Really can't accept the news but from time to time, we were trying to believe it. I still don't understand why you chose to finish this way. It's the worst for everyone. Now we are moving on with your image in our mind, in our heart.

I miss you. I love you. May you have released from what you didn't want to face in our world.

Byebye, Polly.

2009年2月12日 星期四

Haven't update the blog for a while.

It's been 3 months since I posted to this section. It's dull and boring working here in the HQ. Unlike the others, I'm lucky enough to be here, enjoying long lunch hours, dsoa, flexible leave arrangement and no individual back log. However, I'm still the same, lazy, passive, careless and unattractive to others.

There are alot for me to improve and I've wasted one and a half month in 2009 already. Anything I planned but didn't achieve in 2009? A lot.

I'm jealous, I'm jealous that she started a new relationship and found her MAN (this is how she described him in her blog). She's proud of him, she's happy.

Me? Still hanging around, being found of mistakes committed, asking for dsoa....
Is this the life I've always been looking for?