Already a year I've spent here, from the first day I left training school,
I was lost.
And now, after a year, I've got all these in my mind.
And they will all be embedded deeply.
1. 小心原來係最重要, 比起快, 恨 還重要 (以前以為在社會最重要既)
2. 創意在前線工作唔會有用, 升左另計
3. 外表對別人睇自己有莫大影響
4. 工作或要求唔係樣樣都做, 推得走既就推走佢
Wish everything goes fine in 2009.
2008年12月27日 星期六
2008年12月22日 星期一
慬慎, 但放得開
Couldn't say I'm experienced to say this, however, that was the feeling I got during these days from this lovely Department.
A Senior was interdicted. Yes, a Senior. It was the first time I heard that a senior was being interdicted. At the same time, rumor came saying that he was interdicted because of taking censored pictures.
I simply couldn't believe it.
And it taught me a lesson that 慬慎, 但放得開 is the way to survive in this department. Stay alert and careful, it doesn't promise anything, so stay open and optimistic.
A Senior was interdicted. Yes, a Senior. It was the first time I heard that a senior was being interdicted. At the same time, rumor came saying that he was interdicted because of taking censored pictures.
I simply couldn't believe it.
And it taught me a lesson that 慬慎, 但放得開 is the way to survive in this department. Stay alert and careful, it doesn't promise anything, so stay open and optimistic.
A new start
Heard from the others, then confirmed on facebook, KL started a new relationship.
Always think of the wound I've made to her, but seemed I was actually the one who was hurt.
She got through and started a new life. I'm still hanging around with no change.
I lost.
the first time i felt i liked her - bbq at vincent's home
the first time we kissed - ta-mun
the first time we made out - after dining out
the first time we touched each other - wan chai
the first time we had a trip - cheung chau
the first time we had misunderstanding that i ignored her
the first time i escaped from her
the first time i felt she was abnormal from other girls
then we broke up
Always think of the wound I've made to her, but seemed I was actually the one who was hurt.
She got through and started a new life. I'm still hanging around with no change.
I lost.
the first time i felt i liked her - bbq at vincent's home
the first time we kissed - ta-mun
the first time we made out - after dining out
the first time we touched each other - wan chai
the first time we had a trip - cheung chau
the first time we had misunderstanding that i ignored her
the first time i escaped from her
the first time i felt she was abnormal from other girls
then we broke up
2008年12月6日 星期六
發覺自己的自信不知不覺地下降, 不能怪人, 但事實上身邊的環境又可怕得很, 一大清早到晚可以完全沒有和其他人說話, 自閉地看呀看, 做呀做...
做錯, 一定沒有人相告
做好, 更加不會有人知
隊長, 他原來在一個月也未知如何叫我的名字
大隊長, 他更加認不到我罷
在這裡, 無可否認自己的rank是低無可低, 但估不到的是clerical都認不了自己
從前在別人在自己面前的那份自信我也不知去了那裡, 只覺自己成為一條在別人的位蠕動的虫, 成不了大器
因為frozen,無人放假 = 無位坐
做錯, 一定沒有人相告
做好, 更加不會有人知
隊長, 他原來在一個月也未知如何叫我的名字
大隊長, 他更加認不到我罷
在這裡, 無可否認自己的rank是低無可低, 但估不到的是clerical都認不了自己
從前在別人在自己面前的那份自信我也不知去了那裡, 只覺自己成為一條在別人的位蠕動的虫, 成不了大器
因為frozen,無人放假 = 無位坐
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