2010年1月27日 星期三


無兄弟子妹, 其實又無咩所謂, 因為我爸爸好錫我, 同埋可能我會依賴d. 又所以我要che住男朋友...


2010年1月21日 星期四

正當我在家中上網時, 她就在馬交跟他...

不想再有多餘的幻想, 但就是揮之不去

今天, 她回來了. 自己左避右擋的給自己多一次機會跟她一起長週...

都是我自己的錯, 人家跟本沒有意思跟我多見一面.


2010年1月14日 星期四

A simple and normal dinner at bubba 金 at the Peak, it's absolutely much easier than the previous ones. Possibly it's because of the prolonged time we've been together, or possibly she had got to be more considerate than before....don't know.

Flower was again ignited by one of the breach guys and fell into tears, that's hard to do anything before everyone but I was uncomfortable to see her cried, heartbreaking. I then texted her in the night and got the replied that she thanked for my "words". A neutral, distant and polite word it could ever been.

Anyways, thank god for all the arrangements and I really enjoyed what I've done and wish both LG and flower would have a great and safe life.

2010年1月11日 星期一


佢走左啦, 係你對我咁好等埋我


我媽咪話你好細個, 但原來你係我地之中最老, 就快30歲

2010年1月8日 星期五

Examination passed officially. Brilliant that I need not to revise those bloodly instruction.

Not sure if flower feels or not, we were getting closer. That's more than enough to just sit behind and look at her. Really enjoy everyday of work.

Es is getting married.